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Our Mission Statement
Jun 07, 2024

Local 210 Mission Statement

 (A)  The mission of the local union shall be:

    (1)    To unite into one labor organization all workers eligible for membership, regardless of religion, race, creed, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other legally protected group or class;

    (2)    To engage in organizing workers to provide the benefit of unionism to all workers and to protect and preserve the benefits obtained for members of this organization;

    (3)    To secure improved wages, hours, working conditions and other economic advantages through organization, negotiations and collective bargaining, through legal and economic means, and other lawful methods; 

    (4)    To provide educational advancement and training for employees, members and officers; 

    (5)    To safeguard, advance, and promote the principle of free collective bargaining, the rights of the workers, farmers and consumers, and the security and welfare of all the people by political, educational and other community activities;

    (6)     To engage in cultural, civic, legislative, political, fraternal, educational, charitable, welfare, social, and other activities which further the interest of this organization and its membership, directly or indirectly; 

    (7)    To provide financial and moral assistance to other labor organizations or other bodies having purpose and objectives in whole or in part similar or related to those of this organization; 

    (8)    To engage in community activities which will advance the interest of this organization and its members in the community and in the nation, directly or indirectly; 

    (9)    To protect and preserve the Union as an institution and to perform its legal and contractual obligations; 

    (10)    To carry out the objectives of the international Union as an affiliate thereof and its duties as such as an affiliate; 

    (11)    To receive, manage, invest, expand or otherwise use the funds and property of this organization to carry out the duties and to achieve the objective set forth in these Bylaws and the International Constitution and for such additional purposes and objectives not inconsistent therewith as will further the interest of this organization and its members, directly or indirectly.

(B)    It is recognized that the problems with which this labor organization is accustomed to deal are not limited to unionism or to organization and collective bargaining alone, but encompasses a broad spectrum of economic and social objectives as set forth above and as the Union May determine from time to time. We therefore determine and assert that the participation of this labor organization, individually and with other organizations, in the pursuit and attainment of the objective set forth herein is for the benefit of the organization and its members.    

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Teamsters Local 210
1911 Richmond Ave
Staten Island, NY 10314

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